PregnancyFrom Belly to Baby: Crafting a Memory Box for Your Pregnancy and...

From Belly to Baby: Crafting a Memory Box for Your Pregnancy and Newborn’s First Year

Pregnancy is a highly emotional time, and during those nine months, you will come across so many things you will want to remember in years to come. And once the baby is born, special moments will happen almost daily, and now is the time to plan how to capture them forever. Making a personalised memory box dedicated to your pregnancy and the baby’s first year is the perfect way to collect all the big moments in one place, so let’s see how you can do it:

Choose the Right Box

Nowadays, there are many boutiques and stores that sell dedicated baby keepsake boxes. These items are particularly convenient since they often come with small drawers where you can keep all the tiny mementoes from the baby’s earliest days. However, if you wish to make it even more personal and to save money at the same time, you should consider scrapbooks as a great alternative. Each of them is sized something like a shoebox, and they are acid-free to prevent damage to the contents. On top of that, these boxes are the perfect canvas for decor and customisation. 

Items to Collect Before Childbirth

Your pregnancy will be filled with memorable moments, and some of them should definitely have a place in the memory box. For example, include a photo of you during pregnancy. Then, save the baby’s ultrasound pictures, together with your personal note about the pregnancy. Also, write a letter to the baby, and you can even ask close family members to do the same. And if you already have an older child, ask them to write or draw something special.

Items to Include in the Baby’s First Year

Once the baby is born, your schedule is going to change, but collecting items for the memory box can become one of your favourite postpartum practices. In fact, the number of memorable items and ideas to include is going to grow tremendously. First, include a letter that you wrote on the day the baby was born, as well as a newspaper clipping with the same date. Also, save the hospital waistbands and the hospital crib card with the child’s birth stats. And, of course, add the baby’s first outfit or the one it wore when you went home. Saving the baby’s foot and handprints is also a great idea, and once the time comes, you can also include a lock of hair from the child’s first haircut. Finally, try to create a baby milestone journal with a bunch of firsts, such as the first time the child crawled, walked, and much more. 

Be Selective

Remember – a memory box is not for store-bought items and gifts. It is a special place for the things that have memories attached. The items you place in the box should be able to trigger valuable memories from your pregnancy and the child’s early childhood. That is why you should try not to include energy single thing you become attached to. As a new mom, you will be emotional about so many toys, garments, and dates, so you need to be selective in order to preserve the unique value of the memory box. 

Decorate the Box

If you pick a box that is already decorated with nice colours or prints, or you’d like to keep a minimalistic style, you don’t need to get into the whole process of decoration. But if you’d like to mark the box with a unique stamp, you should definitely go for it. Get some basic crafting items like colourful markers, stickers, washi tape, and anything else that you find interesting or visually appealing. Adding an extra touch of creativity to the memory box is actually a memory on its own, especially if you let the young child participate in this fun activity.

Pregnancy is a time of wonder, and after the child is born, moments of happiness and excitement keep multiplying. Time tends to go by really fast, and if you wish to preserve all the valuable moments from these special times, making a memory box is a great choice. With the ideas listed above, you are ready to start planning this amazing keepsake project that will honour your pregnancy and the first year of your baby’s life.

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